
McCann and Partners holds its first ever internal golf day at Cottrell Park.4th July 2024

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Four teams took part in the tournament

McCann and Partners held its first ever internal golf day in the sunshine at Cottrell Park.

The team-building afternoon was as huge success with four groups of four took on a Texas Scramble format meaning everyone had a chance to hit a ball and contribute to the team’s final score.

In golf terms that means that each team member hit a tee shot on every hole, with the best drive chosen as the ball in play. Then, each team member then took their second shot from where the best tee shot landed and once again, the very best shot from the team was chosen. That continued until the ball ended up in the hole!

The eventual winners, with a scramble score of 63.7, were Rob Smith, Graham Carr, James Paget and Nicolas Yeubrey, who all received a £25 gift voucher each. Well done all!

Associate Rhys Silcox said: “It was great to see everyone enjoying the challenge on the golf course as well as tucking into some tasty food and a cold drink at the end of the day. It was a really successful afternoon out and we are already looking forward to next year!”